Selasa, 20 Maret 2012


( Imagining The Role of Islamic Teaching on The Contemporary Isues Challenges)
by : Asep Risyana

I. Preface
            In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah The Cherisher and sustainer the world. And I pray to Allah (Glory be to Him, and He is High) to bless Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the family of Muhammad, and I also pray to Allah to bless the Khulafâ al-Rasyidîn, and the companions, as well as the followers and the followers of the followers untill the Day of Judgment.
            First of all let me begin by saying how hapy I am be able to accept an invitation of the Moslem Students Association as an institution that interest in development and aducation of young Moslem student both intellectual and Islamic character building. For me, it was  a great honor and also as a big challenge, because I have to talk about the universality of Islam and it’s integrality in the contemporary issues that encourages and push the Moslem people to find the best and good solution wich basically rooted from the Islamic Theaching. As a moslem’s student I see that these organizations are now growing, and are becoming culturally significant. I am sure they play a very important role in three ways. Most importantly, in turning the hearts of good Moslems toward God. At more human level to be able to afford the possibility for Moslem from various school (madzhab) to have an understanding discourse among themselves, and the third to represent the views of Moslems on Islamic boarding school (pesantren) where there is so much need to understand what is going on the other side of the world.
            Now today, before I elucidating my paper I shall limit my discourse on the Islamic teaching and it’s contribute on contemporary issues, wich it will be summarized on the following discourse :
  1. Islamic concept on the unity of faith and reason.
  2. Whar can Islam contribute.
II. Islamic Concept on the Unity of Faith and Reason
            One of the reason why Islam is considered by many as lacking in universal values is its alleged outdated view or anti-science attitude. Such a view has been planted by an erroneous education in West as pointed our by the Vatican document quoted above. Another importand reason lies in the fact that for the so-called modernist, rejection of religion it self or the separation of it from science is the absolute condition sine qua non of progress.1
            As far as the Moslem are concerned, it is the right of the Cristian West to insist on bifurcation, namely, the separation between the holy and the secular and as between the church and the state and between religion and science. But the Cristian do not have the right to dispense judgment on the other beliefs or to impose their concept on the other religions.2
            Moslem agree with Einstein that science without religion is blind but religion without science is lame. Religion is needed to establish the ultimate purpose or meaning of science and technology. At the seme time, it is science and technology; wich are able to produce the means to achieve that purpose. In other words, religion provides the meaning of life, while science and technology provide the means of life.
            Futher, Moslem agree with Einstein that the mission of the scientist is to pursue the truth. The search for such truth can only be pursued by man an woman who are imbued with the spirit of truthfulness. Such a spirit can only be born from a religious environment. To such a scientist, the ultimate truth as revelaled by religion could best be understood through the application reason. The scientist is then someone who abides by “reason-with-faith”. This is precisely what Islam teaches. As pointed out in the Qur’an, “ Verily, those who fear God among His servant are those who are rich in knowledge.3
            The twinity between faith and reason, religion and science, is stressed many times in the Qur’an. In fact, the Qur’an is addressed simultaneously to : (1) those who belive; (2)those who understand and use their thinking faculty; and (3) those who reflect. Muhammad himself has called upon his followers “to pursue knowledge is a duty for man and woman “He exhorted Muslims” to go as far as China for to pursuit of knowledge.
            There were indeed certain periods in history, of wich the middle Ages wa a good example, where the religious authority placed a hindrance on free pursuit of science and knowledge. Those times where often referred to as the “Dark Ages”. But such a name cannot be applied to that part of Europe under Moslem rule. Sanchec-Albornoz made the following observation.
One must rather bear in mind that side by side with a Europe languishing in misery and decay, there existed resplendent civilization of Moslem Spain. The leaders of Arab studies in Spain today are opening up new horizons where the dissemination, effect and brilliance of his Piano-Moorish culture are concerned. They have re-established the fact that it played a decisive role in the development of philosophy, science, poetry, indeed of every aspect of culture in Cristian Europe. They have proved that it’s influence reached right to the heights of medieval thought, even as far as St. Thomas and Dante. Undoubtedly, there are still many people on both sides of the Pyrennes or the Mediterranian, who refuse to admite its supremacy and the formative role that it plyed. Several countries before the Renaisance set springs that had half dried uf flowing again, the stream of civilization that flowed from Cordova preserved and transmited to the modern world the essence of ancient thought.4
            What Islam contributed to Europe of the middle Ages wa to reintroduces the light of science in a world, wich was dominated by a religious dogma that rejected the pursuit of scientific truth. Today when modern society seems to be dominated by scientisme, what can Islam contribute to again restore the unity between faith and reason ?, if the world is now welcoming a new era of the centrality of religion, what will be the contribution if Islam ?.
III. What can Islam Contribute

[*] This short paper presented at Leadership Basic Training Program  that held by Muslim Students Association (Itihâd al-Thâlibîn) District of Gununghalu and Rongga, on 17 of April 2010.
1 Arifin Bey, Beyond Civilizational Dialogue  : A Multicultural Symsbiosis in the Service of World Politics, Jakarta : Paramadina, cet. I, 2003, p. 127.
2  Maurice Bucaile, The Bible, the Qur’an and Science, Nort American Trust Pulication, Indianapolis, IN, 1978, p.ix.
3 The Qur’an., Chapter 35 : 28
4 Haidar Bammate, Muslim Contribution to Civilization, The Crescent Publication, Takoma Park, Md, 20012, 1962, p.12

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